
Fahmida (age 4)

Thank you for helping our school! I love reading stories and drawing. I like ice cream, I want to be a teacher and live in the school with other children.

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Kushi and Alif

Showing off their clean teeth!

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Dhaka Slum Families

Although primary education is free in Bangladesh slum children are at a disadvantage when entering regular schools. Uneducated parents often can’t provide a learning environment at home and the children fall behind and get marginalized in the classroom. Others are so poor that they regularly miss school to beg in the streets.

The School

Since 2010 The Lidia Hope Centre has helped about 450 children aged 4 to 11 to successfully enter mainstream schooling by providing teaching, free meals and parental counseling. Many of our children go on to match or exceed their new peers academically. We are very grateful for your support in allowing us to continue and expand this work.

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 The ribbon in school colors on your new bag identifies it as one of a limited number created especially for this Fundraising Campaign.

It was hand embroidered by women of the slum, some of whom have children at the school. These women have graduated our Embroidery Artisan Training program and are now independent earners supporting their families. It’s their way of also saying ‘thank you’ to you for your purchase.